“Politics, the crooked timber of our communal lives, dominates everything because, in the end, everything- high and low, and, most especially, high- lives and dies by politics. You can have the most advanced and efflorescent of cultures. Get your politics wrong, however, and everything stands to be swept away.
“Politics is the moat, the walls, beyond which lie the barbarians. Fail to keep them at bay, and everything burns.” – Charles Krauthammer*
America is at a crossroads.
Our country has become so politically, socially, and culturally divided that politics and government have become paralyzed and dysfunctional, incapable of doing the people’s business at home and weakening our resolve to meet the political, economic, and strategic challenges that confront the United States throughout the world.
Look around the United States, from the the nation’s capital to the states, from the cities and suburbs to the small towns of rural America, it is clear that our politics and government, to varying degrees, no longer works. Our politics has become so divided, so confrontational, so cynical, that the future of our representative democracy at home and our ability to meet our commitments abroad hangs in the balance.
It didn’t used to be this way and it doesn’t have to be this way in the future.
Politics From The Heartland, LLC (PFTH) is a nonpartisan and nonideological commentary, analysis, research and public policy advocacy platform dedicated to the mission “doing politics well.” PFTH works to reign in the excesses of our current political and policy dysfunction by challenging and fighting the barbarians who are storming the gates and threatening the walls of our democracy. PFTH works to return political power to the people by holding the professional career politicians, policy makers, and other members of the professional political class that supports them accountable, no matter their ideology or partisan affiliation, both while in office and at election time
PFTH is committed to cutting through the traditional commentary and analysis of the “groupthink” driven conventional “wisdom” that fosters like minded thinking and an unwillingness to be open to contrarian points of views or expertise.
*Charles Krauthammer, Things That Matter: Three Decades of Passions, Pastimes, and Politics, 2013, pp.3,4.