Politics From The Heartland, LLC is, first and foremost, an information platform. It is dedicated to a triad approach of research, writing, and educating. Within the framework of that triad, Politics From The Heartland, LLC offers a variety of services that assist clients with the task of identifying, analyzing, understanding, and managing political and geopolitical risk.

Politics From The Heartland, LLC takes a “quality versus quantity” approach to working with clients. Because of this approach, Politics From The Heartland, LLC is highly selective when choosing clients and projects. Research, writing, and education, when done well, involves a considerable time commitment and Politics From The Heartland, LLC is committed to providing high quality service to its clients.

Initial consultations are complementary (one hour).

Fees for political and geopolitical risk services are negotiable and are based on the size of the project. The minimum hourly rate is $125/hour or a monthly retainer may also be negotiated.

Newsletters may be subject to subscription fees.


  • Political and geopolitical risk analysis related to business and private clients;
  • Political and geopolitical risk analysis as it relates to economics. trade, finance, and markets;
  • Regional political and geopolitical risk analysis (United States, Europe, Indo-Pacific);
  • Country specific political and geopolitical analysis (United States, Russia, China, NATO and EU member nations, Indo-Pacific nations).

Commentary and Analysis

  • Politics From The Heartland, LLC website;
  • Articles from the website are also published on the John F. Phillips and Politics From The Heartland, LLC LinkedIn pages;
  • Commentary and analysis published exclusively on LinkedIn;
  • Politics From The Heartland newsletter on Substack publishing platform;
  • Published articles and books.

Political and Geopolitical Risk Services

  • Research reports and white papers;
  • Country surveys and analysis related to political and geopolitical risk;
  • Curation and archive services;
  • Political and geopolitical risk seminars for government and business decision makers;
  • Political and geopolitical risk management and mitigation services;
  • Strategy planning;
  • Crisis response strategies.